
November 11, 2007
RJ's Newsletter - July 24, 2006
RJ’s Newsletter—July 24, 2006
Welcome to RJ’s Newsletter, which is written to inspire myself and others to live a “grand, heroic, life.”  (from a poem by Walt Whitman)
Some Great Quotations:
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”--Ralph Waldo Emerson  
“What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside you.” - Wayne Dyer
"Quality is not an act.  It is a habit." –Aristotle
"Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret - curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney
"The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read." -- Abraham Lincoln
“Do you respond to life or are you merely reacting to it?“ -- Zig Ziglar
“Life begins as a quest of the child for the man and ends as a journey by the man to rediscover the child.”--Laurens van der Post 
"Failure is impossible."--Susan B. Anthony
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”  -Anne Frank

"Our deepest fear is NOT that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God: your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you." -- Nelson Mandela
"When you achieve one dream, dream another." --- Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger
“The trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.” ---Erica Jong
 "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how 'You' made them Feel."  -- Maya Angelou
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." --Robert Louis Stevenson
"Life is part positive and part negative. Suppose you went to hear a symphony orchestra and all they played were the little, happy, high notes? Would you leave soon? Let me hear the rumble of the bass, the crash of the cymbals, and the minor keys." -- Jim Rohn
"Take pride in what you do. The kind of pride I'm talking about is not the arrogant puffed-up kind; it's just the whole idea of caring - fiercely caring."—Red Aurbach
"It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated - it is finished when it surrenders."---Ben Stein
“Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow is wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly.”---Old Eskimo proverb
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience." -- Henry Miller
"Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits." -- Thomas Edison
"The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear." -- Vincent Van Gogh
Inventive Productions update:
1.     Open House Party—We had a nice turnout for our Open House Party.  It was great to meet so many people interested in our Video autobiographies.  Everyone liked the live music by India Turner.  They liked the wine and food, too.  We enjoyed showing samples of our work and demonstrating our special effects editing and green screen studio process.
2.     Jim Zorn (BEYOND THE LIGHTS)—last week we shot a great interview and footage with Jim Zorn and his son Isaac at the Seattle Seahawks training field.  The footage turned out awesome.  It was very inspiring to see how close Jim is to his son.  He really is a great role model as a parent and a leader.
3.     Woody O’Rourke (MR BASEBALL)—we shot two more interviews for Woody’s life story.  We are just about finished the editing of his video autobiography.  We are doing one more interview this week, and Woody’s brother will be in town in August for a family reunion.  Once we have all the interviews done, the next step is to complete the editing, then have a viewing of our first-draft with Woody.  I look forward to his reactions.  Then after this review, we will make any changes that Woody wants.  He has total final cut approval on his story.   After all, this is his life.
4.     Shirley Mulliken—Shirley begins her interview this Monday for her video autobiography.  We look forward to hearing her many very interesting stories about her travels all around the world with husband, Jack.
5.     Colleen MacIntosh—we shot some incredible footage of Colleen singing an original song she wrote back in the 1940s.  Colleen did a superb job, singing her lullaby.  It reminded me of my childhood, when my mom used to sing lullabies.  Do people still sing lullabies?  We have digitized Colleen’s singing into our computers.  Now our Musical Director, Peter Haskell, is laying down piano and other musical tracks to enhance and turn the song into something very special.  We are in the final stages of completion on Colleen’s video Autobiography.  Once completed, Colleen will receive enough DVDs for her entire family.
6.     Gordy Graham—We found some terrific footage of Gordy from over 20 years ago from an AM Northwest TV show interview.  He really looked cool in those sideburns.  Some of this footage will be included in a short five minute demo for Gordy about his success as a motivational speaker.  We are also nearly finished with production of Gordy’s Autobiography DVD.  He truly has led a remarkable life.  A man who once lived for one year on bread and water.  Now he inspires others to live a life worth living.  His life story is stunning, compelling, and moving.
7.     Bob Sealey—We are transferring old home movies to Digital Video for Bob’s video autobiography.  Bob has been an educator most of his life.  He has dedicated his life to so many worthy causes including the HiLiners.  His life story is very interesting.  Bob has a lot of wisdom, too.  We should get a first draft of  Bob’s video very soon.
8.     Bill Shaw—on the 4th of July families all across America get together to celebrate freedom.   Bill & Dorothy Shaw had a barbeque with their children and grandchildren.  Bill started telling stories about WWII and his many years career with Southern Pacific Railroad.  Dorothy talked about how she wrote letters to Bill every day during the war.  Bill told the family how much these letters meant to him.  Bill & Dorothy have been married now for 57 years.  The grandkids kept remarking about how important these stories were to their family.  One family member suggested it would be great to get these stories on video.  The grandkids got together and decided to split the costs of hiring Inventive Productions to create a professional video Autobiography of Bill & Dorothy’s life.  $257 a month split four ways was truly a bargain, compared to the value of getting these stories on DVD.  Our team drove to Ocean Park and spent an afternoon with Bill & Dorothy.  First we asked Bill 154 questions about his life, then we asked Dorothy 154 questions about her life, and then we interviewed them both together.  We borrowed some of their photos and home movies and now we are editing together their life story on DVD.  I think Bill & Dorothy really enjoyed the process.  They were grateful that anyone cared.  Dorothy called.  She has some more photos she wants in the video.  Our editing team is working on the first draft DVD right now.  We should have something to show them very soon.
9.     Steele Heart Documentary—this past week we spent some quality time with a remarkable group of musicians.  They are known as the Steele Heart Band. ( ).  They are RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officers who play Country Western Music in their RCMP uniforms at charity concerts all across America, Canada, and other countries.  They are celebrating their 20th Anniversary as a musical group.  We are creating a documentary about how they got started, why they do this, and about the people they help.  After the interviews, all I can say is:  these guys truly are humanitarians.  They have a great sense of humor and really can play Country Western music.   I look forward to helping them tell their story in their own words.  We also interviewed several people who have been influenced by their generosity.
10.                       Our editors are working on a Stroke Victim Tough Guy short documentary starring Gordy Graham.  In this short documentary, Gordy explains his remarkable recovery from having a stroke.  He believes that he was able to speed up his recovery using visualization techniques.
11.                       TWO YEAR FINANCING AVAILABLE—we are pleased to be able to offer two year financing now.  This means that we can do a full length professional video autobiography for only $257 a month.  Call or email RJ for exact details.
12.                       We now offer additional services where we can create a beautiful hard-bound coffee-table Picture Book, using your photos. 
13.                       We also now offer the additional service where we can create a custom Movie Poster for your Custom AutoBiography Video.
14.                       Dementia Care—Experts have testified that Biographical Videos can greatly enhance and help in the care of people with dementia and amnesia.  Have you seen the movie 50 FIRST DATES?  By watching a video of your life, you will always remember and feel better about your life.  Dr. Richard A. Wyckoff of Geroservices Inc., tells me that Biographical videos really do work.   Check out his website  
15.                       DVD Business Cards.  We are working with the latest technology to create business cards that actually are DVDs.  They look like a business card.  They smell like a business card.  But put it into your DVD player and WOW, it turns into a real Video.  This is the latest in technologies that can help people really see and hear and experience a message.  Pictures are great.  Video is better because it tells us the real personality and VOICE of a person or business.  If you would like to learn more about DVD business cards, please call or email RJ.
16.                       Your Own Autobiographical Website—we can help you put your Autobiography on the Internet with your own Custom Autobiographical Website.  Using the information you give us in our interviews, we can create a professional website with pictures, video, and more.  For more information about this exciting new service, call or email RJ today.
17.                       The Pacific Institute—we are proud to be able to help the Pacific Institute show and tell their history and cultural story through DVD.   The Pacific Institute and Lou Tice have been helping people since 1971.  Our goal is to create a series of documentaries that will chronicle this incredible story.  To learn more about the Pacific Institute, go to  
18.         Bud Hawk—Our Video Biography of Bud Hawk (HOMETOWN HERO) is currently available for Free.  This incredible story of a true American hero is an inspiration to everyone.  Bud Hawk is a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery in France during WWII.  We are pleased to be able to offer this DVD Autobiography.  If you would like to receive a free copy of this documentary, please email or call RJ.   We were very excited that the Congressional Medal of Honor Society mailed out copies of our DVD to all the 109 living MOH recipients.  Mr. Bud Hawk is a true American hero who lives in Bremerton.  His biography is inspirational and moving.  He was decorated by President Harry Truman for being a “human aiming target” and for helping to capture over five hundred enemy in one day.   Our goal is to show this film to as many American vets and students as possible.  I really want to help capture their wisdom and smart incites to life.  A short sample of the “John Hawk—Medal of Honor Autobiography” can be seen at
19.    Our Team—the Inventive Productions team is growing.  Here is a list of our teammates:
Independent Sales:  Akina Moskinski, Deniz Andrews, Margaret Friedman, Larry Morris, Bill Maxwell, Julie Gottschalk, Peter Haskell
                   Production Team:  Marc Castillo, Tyler Griffin
                   Production Interns:  Kenny, Shayla, Nate, Alisa, Jim
                   Office Administration:  Kellie Ridenour
              Managing Producer:  RJ McHatton
20.  I really am grateful that you are out there talking and thinking about Video AutoBiographies.   I believe that these autobiographies help people.   One woman told me after our Open House party last week that these autobiographies are helping people we will never know. Last week on my drive to Astoria with my daughter, I decided that I need to get one of these video autobiographies created for myself, too.  The other night I watched the end of the movie Titanic, and the older lady in the movie said that "Women all have secrets that they have never told anyone."  My son has said several times that I should get a video autobiography done, because he has so many questions about my life.  Even my wife has told me this.  Yesterday I started thinking about how many things I have experienced in my life that only I know about. People I have met, places and unique situations I have encountered over the years.  Good things and bad things and scary things and wild things and....  Doing autobiography interviews these past couple of weeks has started triggering a lot of memories about my twenties and thirties that I have forgotten or just not thought about in a long time.  My wife doesn't even know most of the experiences that I am remembering.  My Mom doesn’t either.  Maybe a lot of these feelings are coming to me because I am going to my 30th high school reunion in October.  It's making me think of my high school years.  They seem so close yet so far.  So, just like a lot of people, I am doing the $599 down and $257 a month plan myself.   Actually since I decided this, my mind has started getting excited and it is causing me to remember a lot of tiny moments of my life that I have totally forgotten.  I am still young, but I want to do this.  And I will probably get my video updated every five years.  It will push me to live a more purposeful life.
Ship of Miracles update:
Last week I mailed out samples of a rough cut of my new documentary, SHIP OF MIRACLES.  My goal is to get feedback from friends, family, and people who know the story from the inside and out.  Then I plan to go back and polish up the final version of the film.  To learn more about this project, go to 
Writing update:
I am pleased that my first two novels are now available on AMAZON.COM.    Just go to and do a search for RJ McHatton.  You will be able to see my first novel, THE DIRTY DEED, and my second novel MY KIDS.  My third book, “BONUS TIME AND OTHER SHORT STORIES” will be available later this Fall.   My fourth book, “THE BRILLIANTS AND OTHER SHORT STORIES” will be available later this year or early next year. 
Umatilla Film update:
My award-winning documentary, UMATILLA, is now be available on DVD at  You can learn more about this film project at
Family update:
We moved into our new home in Redmond, WA.  It is located at the end of the road, with nearly four acres and a great view.   My wife Victoria is a dachshund puppy breeder.  You can see pictures of our puppies at   My children, Jason and Crissy, are enjoying the sunshine this Summer, and cannot wait until school starts (just kidding).
Home for Sale:
Now that the family has moved all together in Redmond, WA, we are selling our home in Astoria, Oregon.  It is a restored 1900’s Victorian with awesome views.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in this home, please let me know.  You can see pictures of the home at   We are selling the home ourselves but will coop with other brokers.  (note: both Victoria and I are Real Estate licensees in both Oregon and Washington).
Joke of the week:
Q. Where does a sheep get a haircut?
A.  At the baa baa shop.
(Joke submitted by my son Jason)
Dedication:    This week’s newsletter is dedicated to the RCMP Band, STEELEHEART, who, for over 20 years now, have volunteered their time and music to help raise funds for charities.  These guys inspire me to want to do more to help others.  Check out their website at    I recommend you purchase one of their CDs.  They are awesome musicians, and they can yodel, too. 
Thanks for reading my email newsletter.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please email
Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends.
Have a great day.
RJ McHatton
Inventive Productions LLC
3625 132nd Avenue, S.E.
Suite 100
Bellevue WA 98006
Studio office 425-747-4538
cell 503-470-0728
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