
March 1, 2009
Gordy Graham - new projects

Gordy Graham - exciting new videos in production






Gordon Graham

I am so proud and excited to be producing several new videos for Gordy Graham.  Gordy has been a hero of mine for over twenty years.  We are working on several new video projects including a great new video about Relationships.  Gordon is a nationally known motivational speaker and expert on the concept of change.  For more info about Gordy, go to 

Michael Gray - 2010-04-17 00:23:06
Hi Grody, I met you and your staff when you visited Folsom Prison PSAP program. I was one of the teachers that worked there until we got laided off in dec 2009. Since then I worte a book on teaching in prisons. I was wondering if you could tell me how to go about marketing ithe book to prisons. I will be greatful for any help you can offer.
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