
March 1, 2009
Bellevue Chamber of Commerce - Lincoln Square Cinemas

Bellevue Chamber - After Hours event - Lincoln Square Cinemas



Jan 28, 2009

Bill Maxwell and I had a super time at the Bellevue Chamber After Hours party at the Lincoln Square Cinemas.  They had blackjack tables in the lobby and lots of great food and some wine and beer, too.  It was great to re-connect with lots of our friends at the Chamber.   I ran into Bob and Jackie Pappas as they were leaving the theater.  We are almost finished with their video biography.   They had just finished seeing "The Wrestler" with Mickey O'Rourke.  I met a lot of new people at this event.  Valerie from the Chamber was awesome in keeping everyone enthusiastic and happy during this fun event.  They gave out a lot of cool door prizes.  Bill Maxwell won two free movie tickets to the Lincoln Square Cinemas, and he gave them to me.  

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