
March 1, 2009
Amy McIntosh on American Idol

Amy McIntosh (Frankie Jordan) on American Idol


Frankie Jordan (Amy McIntosh) on American Idol!

It was about ten o'clock local time that I received a call from my youngest brother Charlie McHatton from Portland.  He said that Amy McIntosh, the woman we who we did her wedding video about a year ago, was just on "American Idol" on television.  I said "no way!"  He said "yes, it's true," he just watched it.  I went online and sure, enough, it was true that Amy McIntosh had tried out at the Salt Lake City auditions for American Idol and she had done great.  It was a remarkable story because just a month or so ago her husband Dion had won $50,000 on a TV show called "Rediscovered."  I always knew that Dion and Amy were very special people.  It was a little over a year ago that Tyler and Charlie and I had travelled down to Dana Point, California to shoot Amy and Dion's beautiful wedding.  They are really cool people.  I wish them the very best.

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