
May 25, 2009
David Zook - CEO of Tutoring Club

David Zook - Tutoring Club - Bellevue Chamber Eastside Business Awards

















David Zook is a dedicated teacher.    I drove over to the Tutoring Club in Bellevue WA to shoot video footage for the Bellevue Chamber Eastside Business Awards.  The Tutoring Club is a finalist for this year's Eastside Business Awards.  David Zook is the franchise owner of the Tutoring Club.  I was very impressed with David's committment to helping kids learn.  He told me about his background as an educator and about his hopes for the future.  He told me how he really tries to help kids, whether it be by helping out with the Lego Robotics Competitions or by planting a seed of the potential of being a Nobel Prize winner some day to a teenager.  David Zook is planting seeds in the minds of kids, that someday actually might produce a future Nobel Prize winner.  I really believe he is on to something with that idea. 

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