
July 12, 2009
Janice Merriweather - Interview

Janice Merriweather – Interview for our documentary “The Flying Man, Life and Times of Johnny Myers”

July 12, 2009 

janice m

Janice Merriweather

Janice Merriweather worked for Johnny Myers for over 26 years. We drove down to the Long Beach Airport to the former office of Johnny Myers to interview Janice for our new documentary “The Flying Man” about the life and times of Johnny Myers. John Myers was a legendary test pilot who did “First Flight” testing on the famous Black Widow P-61 and the Flying Wing. In later years Myers was a successful businessman in the aviation industry.

Janice showed us John Myers’ office which has the best view of an airport I have ever seen. As you walk into his office you can see a fantastic array of models of several different kinds of airplanes from WWII to jets. Janice told us that John Myers these were some of the aircraft that Mr. Myers flew in his career.

Janice did a wonderful interview, telling fantastic stories about her years working with Mr. Myers. She told me about the integrity and character of Mr. Myers. He was a rare person. A man with values.

We really appreciate Janice Merriweather’s help with our documentary. 

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