
July 14, 2009
Peter Allen - Morgan Stanley, Close Friend of John Myers

Peter Allen – Morgan Stanley, Close friend of John Myers

By moviedream
Peter Allen with director RJ McHatton

Peter Allen with director RJ McHatton

Over fifteen years ago, Peter Allen became good friends with Lou Myers and his father John.  They did a lot of outdoors adventures together.  When Lou Myers passed away, it was only natural that Peter Allen would become even closer to John Myers.  We met Peter Allen at the California Club in downtown Los Angeles.  The California Club has tremendous history and it was a big part of John Myers life.   He had a lot of friends there.  We were there to interview Peter Allen for our new documentary “The Flying Man” about the Life and Times of Johnny Myers.  Peter told us some great stories about John Myers and about his great wisdom and positive outlook on life.  John Myers had a genuine charisma about him.  People always liked John Myers because he was a gentle giant of a man.  Someone with humility, with kindness, with a great instinct about people.  Peter Allen told us about some of his great trips with John Myers over the years.  About John’s love for his dog Gus, and for aviation.   Peter was the last person to see John alive.  I really appreciate the hospitality and generosity Peter gave to us during our interview.

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