
August 25, 2009
Joe Cargile - Spanish Voice Over Recording
Joe Cargill records Spanish Voice Over for Director RJ McHatton

Joe Cargile records Spanish Voice Over for Director RJ McHatton

Joe Cargile is an intern visiting from Auburn, Alabama, helping Cathy Crosslin with her new company InStar Performance.   Once we heard that Joe had spent a year in Spain, we recruited him to record a Spanish-language Voice Over for a series of videos from a seminar by nationally known motivational speaker, Gordon Graham.  I first met Joe’s father when I went back to Saginaw, Michigan to interview several employees and managers at Plant 6 of Delphi Steering.  Joe’s father Curt was one of those I interviewed there in Saginaw.  Joe turned out to be an awesome speaker in the Spanish-language, so the recording sessions went well.  We shot eight hours worth of Spanish language with Joe.  Next stop is the actual editing of the language tracks into the video footage.

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