
September 4, 2009
Warren Christopher - Secretary of State

Warren Christopher – Secretary of State, Friend to Johnny Myers 

Warren Christopher with Director RJ McHatton

Warren Christopher with Director RJ McHatton

It was a sunny day in Century City.  I was there at the headquarters of the famous law firm O’Melveny & Myers to interview Warren Christopher for my documentary “Flying Man: Life and Times of Johnny Myers.”  Warren Christopher is the former Secretary of State under President Bill Clinton, and a man who has dedicated his life to service.  Warren Christopher knew Johnny Myers for many years.  They both were members of the Sunset Club and both had worked for O’Melveny & Myers.  Warren told me some great stories about Johnny Myers.  Warren felt that Johnny Myers represented the Walter Mitty in every attorney because he lived such an adventurous life, even though he started as an attorney.  Warren told me the history of the O’Melveny and Myers law firm.  He told me about how Johnny Myers’ father was Supreme Court Justice in California who went partners with O’Melveny to create one of the nation’s most successful and prestigious law firms.  Warren Christopher told me the story about how John Myers became the nation’s first entertainment attorney, representing many famous Hollywood actors including George Murphy and Bing Crosby.  He talked about how Johnny’s passion for flying led him to become the Chief Test Pilot for Lockheed, then going over to Northrop for the P-61 and the Flying Wing.  Johnny Myers was one of the only test pilots who worked for both Lockheed and Northrop at the same time.  Warren talked about how he and Johnny Myers enjoyed great friendship and experiences as members of the Sunset Club.  He talked about how Johnny Myers had such a contagious laugh.  In the later years, Johnny Myers would still come by the office sometimes.  One time John Myers did a slideshow of his flying exploits for the O’Melveny & Myers team.  Warren talked about how even today new hire attorneys are told about the history of the firm, about the two founders and their values and integrity, and also about the fun and exciting adventures of Johnny Myers.  Warren talked about the courage and character of his friend John Myers.  Warren talked about how John Myers was a man with strong values, like his father.   Warren talked about the sense of humor or John Myers.  He told the story about John Myers was flying once with this very heavy set lawyer and they were flying from the East Coast to the West Coast.  Evidently the plane was having trouble making it over the Rocky Mountains with such a heavy load, so John Myers dropped off the lawyer and had him take a train or bus to the other side of the Rockies where he picked him up and on they went on their journey.  I really enjoyed meeting Warren Christopher and appreciate him taking the time to talk about John Myers.


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