
September 9, 2009
Chuck Shelton - Leadership 101 for White Men, Speaker, Author

Chuck Shelton – Leadership 101 for White Men, Speaker, Author

Author Chuck Shelton

Author and Speaker Chuck Shelton

I originally thought the title to the book was pretty provocative and not politically correct.  ”Leadership 101 for White Men.”  But then I looked closer and the tag line is “How to work successfully with Black Colleagues and Customers.”    Author Chuck Shelton asked us to shoot some footage and do  editing on a video for his new website (  I met with Chuck and I learned a lot about his philosophies concerning diversity in the workplace and those old time taboos.  We talked about how things have changed so much in our lifetime and for the better.  Chuck is a very interesting man with a strong background in management and leadership training for companies like Microsoft, Key Bank, Wal-Mart, and Safeco.

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