November 11, 2007
RJ's Newsletter - May 15, 2006
RJ’s Newsletter—May 15, 2006
After many years of sending daily quotations, motivational articles, and ideas to my friends, it has been strongly suggested that I condense them all into one email per week.
So here goes.
Mission: The goal of this weekly newsletter is to inspire myself and others to live a “grand, heroic, life.” (from a poem by Walt Whitman)
Favorite Quotations of the week:
1. "The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear." Brian Tracy
2. "Neglect starts out as an infection then becomes a disease." Jim Rohn
3. “What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it—would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.” ---Ralph Marston
4. Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family.--Mother Teresa
5. “Remember, a real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.” – Anthony Robbins
6. “Part of being a champ is acting like a champ. You have to learn how to win and not run away when you lose. Everyone has bad stretches and real successes. Either way, you have to be careful not to lose your confidence or get too confident.” -- Nancy Kerrigan, figure skater
7. “Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” – Leroy “Satchel” Paige, baseball player
8. The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work. ---Richard Bach
9. “In imagination, there’s no limitations.” --- Mark Victor Hansen
10. “Turn that frown upside down!” --- Priya Jane Young
11. “If I had my life to live over...I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.” ---Nadine Stair
12. “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” ---Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
A couple Great Websites
Inventive Productions update:
1. This past week we met with the Association of Personal Historians. They are a fantastic group of people who really want to help people tell their stories, just like we do. I was fascinated to learn about the popularity all across America for the concept of “Ethical Wills.” Ethical wills are a way for a person to leave their wisdom, their values, their lessons about life, to their heirs. Ethical Wills are also known by the term “Legacy Letters.” This is very much in line with our goals at Inventive Productions, to help people tell their stories in their own words. Our video biographies are a great way to leave an ethical will to your heirs.
2. This past week I went as a guest to the Northwest Entrepreneurs Network breakfast. It was great to meet venture capitalists and aspiring entrepreneurs enthusiastically telling me about their dreams. I learned a lot during the main speaker’s speech about the future. The guest speaker was the founder of Expedia and Zillow. His message was that the internet is only 12 years old, and that the next 12 years will be very exciting. He said that websites such as myspace.com and youtube.com are changing the way society talks to itself. He predicted that society will become much more virtual in the next twenty years and that there will be 100 new giant companies and industries created that have not even been invented yet. I met many nice people at this meeting, and several people were interested in learning more about our custom Video Biographies.
3. We are very excited about the video biography we are creating for World War Two Medal of Honor recipient John “Bud” Hawk. Mr. Hawk is a true American hero who lives here in the Northwest. His biography is inspirational and moving. A short sample of our “John Hawk—Medal of Honor Autobiography” can be seen at www.inventiveproductions.com/samples.html
4. This past week our camera crews went to an NFL mini-training camp to get footage for a Video Biography we are producing for a former NFL quarterback. It was exciting to see our production team getting awesome HD video footage and interviews for our custom biography.
5. We are doing a very interesting biography of Gordy Graham, a former safe-cracker who turned his life around to become a nationally recognized motivational speaker. Gordy has inspired millions of kids and adults with his message of change. You can learn more about Gordy at http://www.ggco.com/staff.html
6. This past week we updated a video DVD brochure for motivational speaker, Linda Kay Porlier. You can learn more about her at www.lindakayporlier.com
7. This past Thursday, Providence Marianwood held a successful fundraiser at the Snoqualmie Ridge golf course. We did a short DVD for this event. Providence was kind enough to give us a testimonial. You can see a short clip from this testimonial at www.inventiveproductions.com/samples.html
8. On Saturday, I did a presentation of our Video Biographies at the conference room at the Resort at Seaside in Seaside, Oregon. It was great to see my friends at this beautiful Trendwest Resort. The participation from the onsite guests and employees was fantastic. Many were particularly excited that we have produced the biography of Trendwest founder Bill Peare, and asked if we would start offering the Bill Peare video in the Worldmark resort gift shops. For a short sample of this video, go to www.inventiveproductions.com/samples.html
The team:
I am pleased to welcome a new member to our team: Chuck Greenwood. Educated at the Wes Brown Institute of Photography and the University of Oregon, Chuck worked in New York City and Bend, Oregon for Synapse Productions working with clients including MTV, OTI, O’Neill, Boardwild, Fox Sports, K2, and Saab. He was co-founder of Hub Records in Portland, and for the past few years has worked in Sales and Finance for Infinity USA here in Seattle, while continuing to do freelance video production work. Chuck has tremendous experience in video production and in sales of video production services. I think you will be impressed with Chuck’s enthusiasm, presentation skills, and belief in our Video Biography product.
Ship of Miracles update:
I am pleased to say that the editing should be completed this week on this documentary film project. Thanks to the sponsorship of the IDA (International Documentary Association), we have been able to secure tax-deductible status that helped raise donations from numerous people. Our Musical Director, Brian Johnson, will be putting down the custom musical soundtrack, and the film will be ready for viewing in a few weeks. We are planning to hold a test screening in the Seattle area of this film in the next couple of weeks. To learn more about this project, go to www.whiteknuckles.com
Writing update:
I am pleased that my first two novels have just been published.
Read more about the book “The Dirty Deed,” at www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=10309
Read more about the book “My Kids,” at www.trafford.com/4dcgi/view-item?item=10540
My third book, BONUS TIME AND OTHER SHORT STORIES, is currently being edited, and should be available later this year.
I am nearly finished with my fourth book, THE BRILLIANTS, which I hope to have completed for publication early next year.
Umatilla Film update:
My award-winning documentary, UMATILLA, is now be available on DVD at http://www.customflix.com/Store/ShowEStore.jsp?id=210354
You can learn more about this film project at www.whiteknuckles.com
Family update:
Victoria and the kids (Crissy & Jason) are busy boxing up our household goods, in preparation for our move to Redmond, WA.
It won’t be long until we are reunited as a family again!
Joke of the week:
Q: Where does the one legged waitress work?
A: The Ihop (Joke submitted by my son Jason)
A: The Ihop (Joke submitted by my son Jason)
Dedication: This week’s newsletter is dedicated to Rick Peare, who is pretty sick this week. Rick always went out of his way to be nice to me, and I really appreciate his sense of humor. I remember once on a business trip on a boat on Lake Washington, Rick told me about how when he was a kid he would run fast off of piers and swim in the deep waters. He smiled as he told me the story. It made me think of my childhood and how much fun it was to jump off piers or rocks. Why do we have to grow up? Why can’t we just stay kids forever?
Thanks for reading my email newsletter. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email RJ@inventiveproductions.com
Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends.
If you would like to be added to or removed from this email list, please email RJ@inventiveproductions.com
Have a great day.
RJ McHatton
Inventive Productions LLC
3625 132nd Avenue, S.E.
Suite 100
Bellevue WA 98006
Studio office 425-747-4538
cell 503-470-0728
website www.inventiveproductions.com
P.S. If you know of someone who should tell their life story, please have them contact me at RJ@inventiveproductions.com We can put together a custom-designed package that will fit their needs. My goal is to help people tell their stories in their own words.
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