
March 7, 2008
Tyler goes to Africa

Tyler Griffin, our managing editor and producer, is over in Kenya Africa this month on a mission to capture video footage of one of the orphanages there.

I just received this email from Tyler:


-----Original Message-----

From:  Tyler Griffin

Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 5:17 AM


Subject: Hello From Kenya

Hello from Kenya!!


Wow, what a life changing trip this has been thus far. The first week

here has truly been some of the greatest moments of my life. We

arrived after a long day of traveling and were truly exhausted. We got

to our hotel in Nariobi and spent the first day settling in.

The second day of our trip we had a chance to meet the orphans at the

orphanage. Its hard to explain the emotions that were going thru me

when I first met these children who have absolutely nothing. They were

living in the worst living conditions I have ever experienced. The

home smelled terrible, no running water or electricity. It is

absolutely heart breaking to see how these beautiful and innocent kids

live each and everyday. The first day with the orphans was spent

teaching the kids songs. My sister Rhea lead a song and dance

session with the children. It was so special and heart warming to

watch. There are 26 orphans ranging in age from 3 to 15. Since they

are so malnurished, the 5 year olds look like they are 2. I have

bonded with two children, michael and jefferey. Michael is 3 years old

and has AIDS. He has a spirit about him that is filled with so much

love and life. His smiles and personality fill up a room.

I probably experienced one of the best days of my life two days ago.

We had all the orphans over to the hotel the group from Heart 4 Africa

is staying. The group lead the kids in songs and dances along with

coloring. After the fun and games, the kids we given showers. Some of

them had never experienced a shower. It was like they were given gold.

After the showers each child was given new clothes and a hearty

dinner. It was like the children hadnt had food for days. It was

something so amazing yet so sad.

So many special moments have been captured on film and photos. I am so

excited to tell the story of these children and the amazing

organization of Heart 4 Africa.


Please keep our group and the orphans in your prayers. The orphans

especailly need our prayers.


Hope all is well back home.


Tyler Griffin





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